03 August 2020

   Keyboard shortcut key mostly used for desktop computer


 In the keyboard has shift(button) which is used in MS word, MS excel, notepad,  Word Pad, and all software where used keyboard for typing.  Shift button use to type capital button
keyboard shortcuts | keyboard shortcuts windows 7 |
Fig - shift button

Shift + S use to save any file in PC.


The Ctrl key used in ms word, ms excel, word pad, notepad, and etc. Ctrl used to select all file and 
do copy paste anywhere in PC


  F5 is the keyboard shortcut key. F5 is used to refresh desktop computer in shortly and fast. When we open our desktop computer then before use computer we do refresh desktop to press F5 key in keyboard.

F5 is the most key in Tally work. F5 key use in tally for payment. All key from F1-F12 Short- cut key are used mostly in tally


Caps Lock is a button on a computer keyboard that causes all letters of Latin and Cyrillic based scripts to be generated in capital letter. 

·Cap lock is a short cut key use in Note Pad , Word Pad, Ms word,  MS excel, for write all word in capital latter.


Esc is a shortcut key. Which is up and left side in key board.

Esc button mostly used in tally erp9.


The tab key (short for tabulator key or tabular key) is a key on a computer keyboard, found right above the caps lock key on the far left. It is used to take the cursor to the next tab stop. In word processor applications, the tab key usually moves the cursor to the next tab stop.


·         Window +R is a shortcut key used for search any file, program list, any software in shortcut with used it.

·         Window+E used for open computer drive in short cut.

·         Window+u used for open control panel in desktop computer in window 7 shortcut.

·         Window+L used to lock desktop in shortly mode in window 7.

·         Window + SA desktop ma zoom +,zoom- k jati h Jo kisi bee small word KO aasani SA dekha ja sakta h.

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