26 May 2020


Input device is that device. Which  is used? For provide a data or information to computer. Computers do processed reserve  data or information from input device. Which give us an output? Here are many output device.



Micro Phone


Light Pen


Bar Code Reader

Ball Mouse






It is a device that is used to control the computer: kind of input device. It points & click with two buttons and wheel. Normally left click for select/run and right click to generate menu.

The characteristics of mouse are:

   A cable connects the mouse to the computer. When the mouse is moved on a pad, the cursor moves on     the screen.

      A cursor is a small symbol displayed on the computer screen (normally a diagonal arrow that is used as a pointer) that shows you what the mouse is referencing on the screen.

Some different types of mouse 


ऑप्टिकल माउस में वायर होता है जिस से कनेक्शन करने में आसानी होती है इस माउस में एक नीचे की  साइड लाल led बल्ब को ऐड किया जाता है जिससे ये पता चलता है। की माउस कनेक्ट हुआ है या नहीं।

what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
fig - optical mouse

इस माउस में एक वायर लगा होता है। जिसकी मदद से माउस को किसी भी कंप्यूटर या लैपटॉप में लगा कर यूज़ कर सकते है। इस तरह के माउस को OTG  सपोर्ट केबल की मदद से किसी भी स्मार्ट फ़ोन में आसानी से यूज़ कर सकते है। Wired mouse कहलाता है।

Ball Mouse

Ball mouse is a design of a mouse. Ball mouse is similar to the upside-down design of the mouse. 

the user moves the ball directly, while the mouse itself remains stationary. the user spins the ball in various directions to effect the screen movements.

fig - Ball mouse


The keyboard looks like a typewriter: kind of input device:

The characteristics of key board are:

  •  It contains all the latter of the alphabet, numbers and some special symbols. 
  •  It operates like a typewriter keypad, but instead of moving an arm, which strikes the paper, it sends an electronic impulse to the computer, which displays a character on the monitor
  • Keypad contains: Alphabets, Numbers, special Symbols, Functional keys, And qwerty keyboard.

  • Keyboard have  something 104 button bar.It have many functional key on keyboard up herald.
  • keyboard have 12th function key on  the top bar.                     

Micro Phone

It is a kind of input device which is used to take sound as input. We do connect it with the jack port  or Bluetooth of the computer system at the front or rear panel of the system and use it. Microphone have a button for On or  off.
what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
fig - micro phone
It is two type
  • Wired micro phone (we do connect it with the jack port of the computer system at the front or rear panel of the system) 
  • Wireless microphone (we can connect it with Bluetooth or WiFi connection) 


Scanner are used for scan document and we can find a correctly information directly in to the computer memory. 

This device works like a Xerox machine. The scanner converts any type of printed or written information including photographs into digital pulses, which can be manipulated by the computer

  • We can connect it with USB  port in  computer system.
  •   We can connect it with Bluetooth or WiFi.

what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
fig - scanner

Light Pen

This is an input device which is used to draw lines or figures on a computer or laptop screen. It’s touched to the CRT screen where it can detect raster on the screen as it passes.

·         It is used for making picture or digital signature on the computer screen.

what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
fig - light pen

Bar Code Reader

This is a electronics device. Used for read bar codes and coverts them into electric pulses to be processed by a computer. A bar code is nothing but data coded in form of light and dark bars.

·   it look is like a gun.

what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
picture - bar code reader


Joystick is a input device what is used to give an input to the computer system. It is use for game application. as its name implies a stick to play a game that will let you feel joy.

 In this you use your thumb to press buttons of joystick handing the stick of the input device. There is a spherical ball in a socket at the bottom.
what is input device | 10 examples of input devices
fig - joystick

This is a input device. A LNB used for dish to provide signal to signal box. Than we find a correctly output from receiver.


This is a input device. It is used for provide us a picture, video, information, application and etc.

 In this post you can know more from Wikipedia because i add a link of Wikipedia in all topic name so you can click link and find more about this.

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