19 May 2020

What are the 7 types of computers?

Computers can be classified based on their size, speed and computing power. The following table lists the different types of computers:


It is a single user computer system with a single chip and moderately powerful microprocessor. The different types of microcomputers are:
how many types of computer
fig - micro computer

it is use for a business, office and etc

Mini Computer

मिनी कंप्यूटर एक छोटा और डिज़ाइन फुल कंप्यूटर है इस का प्रोसेसर भी अधिक फ़ास्ट होता है जिससे किसी भी फाइल, एप्प, सॉफ्टवेयर, विंडो. आदि को आसानी से और कम समय में ओपन कर देता है। इस कंप्यूटर को मिड डे कंप्यूटर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है इस कंप्यूटर को आउट साइड पर ले जाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया है। मिनी computer को एक छोटे से आकर में बनाया गया है जिसका बजन लगभग 10 से 15 पोंड के करीबन बताया गया है यह computer एक mini जनरल पर्पस की क्लास में आता है जो बहुत शानदार है

how many types of computer | what are the 7 types of computers?
fig - computer

Main frame computer

It is a large and smart computer.it is a multi-user system, like a minicomputer but the technology is different than that of a microcomputer.it is used to handle and process large amount of data such as in banks and  government offices.

Fig - Main frame PC

Super computer

It is the fastest and most expensive computer system.

it is used for complex scientific computations and numerical calculations such as weather forecasting, nuclear simulations and astrophysics.   

how many types of computer | what are the 7 types of computers?
fig - sup..com..

Classification of more computer


Laptop is a battery or alternate current (AC)-powered, portable, wireless personal computer (PC),generally smaller than the size of a briefcase.

it is a small personal computer with a “clam shell” from factor, a thin liquid crystal display (LCD) or Light Emitting Diode (LED) computer screen on the upper portion and a keyboard on the lower part of the “clam shell”.

how many types of computer | what are the 7 types of computers?
fig- laptop

The following image shows a laptop an internal view of the laptop:

Desktop computer

A desktop is a PC that is made to be used on or near a desk or a table, and is not portable. A desktop PC has a mouse, keyboard and a base unit which includes the computer’s components. Some newer models have the base unit within the monitor to save space.  

About desktop computer image and its parts’ image

 Server computer

A server computer is a central  computer, which comprises of collection of data and programs. 

It is also known as a network server as it allows all the connected systems to share and store data and applications. File servers and application server are the two main types of servers.

how many types of computer | what are the 7 types of computers?
fig- server computer

About server computer who connected other computers:

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