23 May 2021


 Computer are divided many forms of generation. Here the generations have been described time wise as well as technologies used.

 Generation of computer

Here are given below 5th generation of computers 

   First Generation computer (1945-1954)

In this first generation of computer, it had been used vacuum tube in this first generation of computer simple to do calculation in system.

generation of computer 1st to 5th Wikipedia
fig - 1st gen. computer
Link - what is output device
If you use it for calculation, you will not find early result.
This computer use for calculation and make a project.
Fig - vacuum tube
Second generation of computer
In this generation computer, it had been used transistors which made a computer a little concise and faster to do the same.

This computer do calculation fast and convert hard calculation into simple.

generation of computer 1st to 5th Wikipedia |  first generation of computer Wikipedia | generation of computer notes |computer generations history |   first generation of computer Wikipedia |
Fig - computer part view


In this third generation of computer, it had been used integrated circuit which made this faster comparatively and reliable as well.

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fig - I C

Link - Desktop computer

In this generation of computer system,these had been used microprocessors inside to work far better comparatively. this is the most reliable among and very concise in size to be portable anywhere you want.   

generation of computer 1st to 5th Wikipedia |  first generation of computer Wikipedia | generation of computer notes |computer generations history |   first generation of computer Wikipedia |
Fig - 4th gen. computer
with microprocessors
 v  Fifth Generation computer (Present and Next)

This is the generation of computers where computers are assigned automatic intelligence; they use artificial intelligence where they will use their own IQ too to solve a problem at end.

desktop computer kya hai |  Parts of desktop computer |
fig - led monitor

In present time computer had a ROM, or a ram for read memory and show result.

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Link -  Computer hardware

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